Wordpress: "Text Block"
ACF field name: text_block
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/top-text`
Xeditor, is an online XML editor which enables you to create, edit, and review intelligently structured documents in XML format, without any technical knowledge.
It allows your company to leverage all the benefits of intelligent content without the costly overhead of bringing authors and reviewers up-to-speed on complex XML data models.
Wordpress: "Hero Text"
ACF field name: hero_text
File partial: `/template-parts/common/hero-text`
Wordpress: "Swiper With Background 2"
ACF field name: slider_2
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/about-us/solutions`
A user-friendly front end to lead your authors intuitively through the defined document structure (XSD/DTD)
Real-time validation to avoid incorrect entries. Xeditor comes with pre-built packages for DITA 1.2 and DITA 1.3 but can also be configured for any schema or DTD.
The powerful developer framework can be customized and integrated into any other system (CMS, Google Drive, etc.)
Suitable for multi-media publishing, the creation of technical documentation, contracts and editorial publications
Wordpress: "Simple CTA"
ACF field name: simple_cta
File partial: `/template-parts/common/cta`
Wordpress: "Hero Text"
ACF field name: hero_text
File partial: `/template-parts/common/hero-text`
Wordpress: "Text Block"
ACF field name: text_block
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/top-text`