Wordpress: "Text Block"
ACF field name: text_block
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/top-text`
Our AI-powered Simplified Technical English (STE) assistant is set to revolutionise the way authors adhere to STE – bridging the gap between complex technical writing and clear, accessible documentation.
This cutting-edge tool leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and enhance the simplification of technical texts, making it a game-changer for authors in all technical sectors.
Wordpress: "Hero Text"
ACF field name: hero_text
File partial: `/template-parts/common/hero-text`
Wordpress: "Image Tiles"
ACF field name: image_tiles
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/solutions/image-tiles`
By automating the simplification process, our tool drastically reduces the time and effort it takes authors to convert complex technical information into Simplified Technical English. This means faster turnaround times and fewer tools for creating compliant documentation.
With advanced AI algorithms and a simple user interface, the tool assists authors to create content to the ASD-STE100 standard. It goes beyond basic checks, optimising texts for clarity and readability without sacrificing technical accuracy.
Unlike static tools, our AI-STE tool learns from each interaction, continuously improving its suggestions and adapting to new terminologies and phrases. This ensures that the tool remains at the forefront of technological advancements and industry standards.
Our AI-STE assistant integrates effortlessly with existing documentation workflows so that teams can adopt the tool without disrupting their current processes.
Wordpress: "Text Block"
ACF field name: text_block
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/top-text`
In an environment where clarity and compliance are non-negotiable, our AI-powered STE assistant sets a new standard for technical documentation.
It’s not just a tool; it’s a transformative solution that empowers authors to produce superior documentation with unprecedented ease and efficiency.
Embrace the future of Simplified Technical English with our AI-STE assistant and revolutionise your technical documentation process today.
Wordpress: "Simple CTA"
ACF field name: simple_cta
File partial: `/template-parts/common/cta`
Wordpress: "Accordion"
ACF field name: accordion
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/landing/faq`
Wordpress: "Text Block"
ACF field name: text_block
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/top-text`
Our AI-powered STE tool is designed to meet the specific needs of authors in the Aerospace and Defense sectors, providing a seamless, efficient, and compliant documentation process.