Wordpress: "Text Block"
ACF field name: text_block
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/top-text`
Can people really understand your technical content?
If your readers find your content difficult to read, then they will also find it difficult to understand.
The first generation of AI powered tools help you with grammar and spelling, but they lack the ability to support business and technical settings.
They try to ‘simplify’ your content, but often they remove important technical information.
You need a better way to support your content creation.
Wordpress: "Swiper With Background 2"
ACF field name: slider_2
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/about-us/solutions`
Use your style and terminology to achieve consistent content faster and with less rework.
Choose your business rules and style. Configure them for your brand, organisation or department.
Your writers get real time guidance. Change complex instructions into content that is easier to read and understand.
Create accurate and compliant documents which are easy to read first time reducing rework and related costs.
Wordpress: "Testimonial"
ACF field name: testimonial
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/article/bottom-text`
Wordpress: "Image Tiles"
ACF field name: image_tiles
File partial: `/template-parts/pages/solutions/image-tiles`
Wordpress: "Simple CTA"
ACF field name: simple_cta
File partial: `/template-parts/common/cta`
In America alone, it's estimated that poor writing costs businesses over $400B each year! Our Style and Writing Assistant will reduce your content creation costs and help your writers create accurate and compliant documents. Complete the form for more information and to request a demo